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Student loan Tag

Everyone knows the alarming news about student loans: It's grown to become the second-largest source of consumer debt in the U.S. behind only home mortgages, surpassing credit card debt since the financial crisis.   And there is little relief in sight. You must repay your loans even if you drop out of college or can't find a job—or just think in hindsight the education was nowhere near...

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Forgiveness programs can be lifesavers for borrowers drowning in student loan debt.   For example, graduates with a high debt load and meager paycheck can look to Pay As You Earn and other income-driven repayment plans to make monthly bills more palatable. Civil servants can see debt forgiven after 10 years through Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Education students may cash in on Teacher Education Assistance for College...

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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates that one-fourth of the American workforce may be eligible for repayment or loan-forgiveness programs, the Associated Press reported last month. If you just don't think about them, they're not real­ -- right?   That's how many students tend to think about the thousands or -- in extreme cases -- hundreds of thousands of dollars they borrow in student loans over the course...

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